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New FOB features coming in Dec update

Via the guys at /r/metalgearsolid

MGSV:TPP December Update partially revealed!

Free placements of Gun Cameras and land mines in FOB, Raiden and SKULLS debut, MGO host migration and more!

On yesterday’s “PHANTOM PAIN MGO & FOB Update Special!” broadcast on Famitsu’s Nico Nico channel, part of the December update for METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN has been revealed. Here we will introduce the announced changes.


Free placements of Gun Cameras (Surveillance Cameras) & Land Mines
Featuring a special mode for placements of cameras and land mines, which seems to be included in addition to standard placements up to the player’s choice. You can also check the placements for a set period of time.

Debut of Player Character Raiden

Can use wormholes for warping, and appears to be using special weapons. It is unclear what conditions need to be met to use him.

Security Team (?) SKULLS Debut

SKULLS units have appeared on the FOB Platforms. Conditions for doing this are yet unclear.

Other FOB-related updates include: “Challenge Tasks” are added with rewards for completing them, friend connectivity enhanced to allow friend supporters including infiltration.


Host Migration
According to designers’ notes revealed yesterday, host migration has become possible. In the event that the host leaves an ongoing game, one player in the room will be selected to become the next host and the match will reset. All players with exception of the host will gain EXP from the match.

Select Match Condition Expansions
Walker Gears ON/OFF, Weather, Room Names are conditions that can be used for filtering rooms in search.

Though this summarizes all the announcements made, this is only part of all of the updates to be rolled out on December. Seems like quite an amount of adjustments and new features are being prepared!

SOURCE: Crazygamers.blog.jp translated by /r/metalgearsolid

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